Yet Another Muslim Bombing

It seems that Sweden is very quickly being taken over by Muslims, and the rest of the western world should be taking notes and preparing themselves, as we are in a 400 year old war with Islam and most people don’t even know it.

Excerpt from a story by Fjordman in Europe News
“On the 11th of December 2010, the first-ever suicide bombing in Scandinavia occurred when Taimour Abdulwahab, an Iraqi-born Muslim and Swedish citizen with a wife and children in Luton, Britain, was carrying explosives and mistakenly set off an explosion near a busy Christmas shopping street in Stockholm just before he could murder dozens of people.”

Here was a man who had a good life, a good family and one would think every reason in the world to be satisfied and live in peace.  But, his mind was contaminated with a terrible religious virus called “Islam”.  This virus causes its victims to do crazy things like takeover airplanes and fly them into occupied buildings, strap bombs to their bodies and kill innocent men, women, and children, kill (or try to) cartoonists for drawing a likeness of Muhammad, kill their women who talk to a single Christian, or in some way besmirch the family “honor”.

“Prohibiting all forms of criticism or mockery of Islam and its Prophet is an essential part of Sharia, Islamic religious law. According to Islamic historical sources, individuals such as the poetess Asma bint Marwan were killed by the followers of Muhammad for having done nothing other than mocking Islam. This then became a part of the Sunna, the personal example of Muhammad and his companions, which is the most authoritative source of Islamic law next to the Koran itself. It was for the same reason that Theo van Gogh was murdered in Amsterdam in 2004. Yes, mainstream, traditional Islam today stipulates that those who mock Islam deserve to be murdered. No other major religion on this planet dictates anything similar.” My emphasis. This alone is legal reason to outlaw Islam.

“If a single non-Muslim says anything critical about Islam, his entire community can in principle be punished for this. Basically, this means that if one cartoonist in Germany, the USA or Denmark makes a cartoon mocking Muhammad, this could potentially trigger Jihadist terrorist attacks against his entire country for “waging a war against Islam,” because his “tribe” is held collectively responsible for his actions. This was exactly the Islamic logic behind Taimour Abdulwahab’s terror attack in Stockholm. There is no such thing as an individual in this culture; the tribe is everything. Muslims, being good hypocrites, are always the first following an Islamic terrorist attack to state that all Muslims should not be punished for the actions of a few, yet this is precisely what their own laws prescribe for non-Muslims.” My emphasis. This shows how treacherous the Islamic religion is…they cannot to be trusted under any circumstance.

This just in (late 12-31-10)…Muslims set off bomb outside a church in Egypt, killing at least 11 Christians of the Copt sect. Watch for details on your local news on New Year’s Day…so sad.

“Totalitarianism (or totalitarian rule) is a political system where the state, usually under the control of a single political person, faction, or class, recognizes no limits to its authority and strives to regulate every aspect of public and private life wherever feasible.

Don’t be fooled by your local Muslims talk of Islam being a religion of peace…it is not…it wants to rule our world and it is working tirelessly to that end.
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About the word of me
Interested in family and friends,grandchildren, photography, darkrooms, history, archaeology, scuba diving, computers, software, fast cars, journalism, writing, travel, ecology, news, science, and probably most other subjects you could think of. Did I mention family and friends?? I require iced tea or cold brewed coffee and a internet connection to be fully functional. Sometimes there are just so many words in my head they spill out.

2 Responses to Yet Another Muslim Bombing

  1. It’s been a busy holiday season for the Religion of Peace. Jimmy and I are now wearing T-shirts that say “Infidel.”

    If only POTUS didn’t say that the “Muslim call to prayer is one of the prettiest sounds on earth.” It’s actually the scariest sound…we are so screwed.

    I’m of the opinion that an optimist is a person who doesn’t have all the facts, and the planet isn’t looking too promising, but I wish you a Happy New Year. We do what we can.

  2. the word of me says:

    Hello D., how are you doing?

    Happy New Year to you and your significant other. 🙂

    All is well around here and I look forward to the future even in the face of so many problems that the earth is having. I can’t help it; I am a naturally optimistic person even when I do have all the facts.

    I hope there are enough Muslims around you when you are wearing the “Infidel” T-shirts, it would be a shame to waste its power. Be careful though Muslims are unpredictable and might try to bomb you. 🙂


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