Muslims Continue To Kill Christians

This past Tuesday an off-duty Muslim police officer boarded a train in Southern Egypt and opened fire on a group of Coptic Christians, killing one and wounding 4 others.  This comes less than 2 weeks after the New Years bombing massacre that killed 25 Coptic Christians at their church in Alexandria

The state news agency, MENA, quoted an Interior Ministry official as saying a Muslim police officer boarded a Cairo-bound train in the town of Samalut in Minya province and began firing a handgun. The official said a 71-year-old Coptic man was killed and his wife and four other Christians — three women and a man — were wounded.

I wonder if this Muslim police officer was a moderate or extremist.  You can’t really tell by looking at them can you?  Most people would assume that the good guys work for the cops, but that does not seem to be true anymore does it?

This just naturally leads into the next story.

David Briggs, writing in Tuesdays Huffington Post reports that a new study is showing that Muslim-controlled countries are far worse in allowing religious freedoms and human rights

He writes:
“Few nations keep their vows when it comes to religious freedom.

Churches are attacked on Christmas in India and Egypt. Religious believers in North Korea are tortured in prison camps. Hindus and Sikhs are harassed in Afghanistan.

“Despite routine constitutional promises to the contrary, religious freedoms are denied around the globe and violent persecution is pervasive,” Brian Grim of the Pew Research Center and Roger Finke of Pennsylvania State University report in a new book.

Yet even amid this widespread disregard for religious freedom, one group of countries stands out: Muslim-majority nations.

“Religious persecution is not only more prevalent among Muslim-majority countries, but it also generally occurs at more severe levels,” Grim and Finke write in The Price of Freedom Denied: Religious Persecution and Conflict in the Twenty-First Century.”

So not only are Muslim-controlled countries persecuting more people, but they are much more severe in their persecution.  The Muslims really like to kill people…Jews and Christians particularly, for the smallest offense.  You know like writing about Islam and telling all just how stupid, evil and blood-thirsty the religion really is. Or maybe wanting to believe in another religion and leave Islam in the sh-t-heap of history where it belongs.  If I was writing this blog in Iraq or India or any of several dozen other countries that are bogged down in this horrible medieval cult of murderers, I would be, in a very short time, killed by a righteous Muslim gunman.

Islam cannot survive in the light of day; it cannot endure close rational, non-sectarian examination, by logical and truthful people.  It has even more problems than Christianity in its dogma and Koran with logic, misunderstanding, absurdities, inconsistencies, contradictions, ethics and precepts problems a-plenty.

Christian Fundamentalists and ALL Muslims hold it to be true that if the Bible or Koran is without error or inconsistency, it must be the work of God, and because it is the work of God, it must be without error or inconsistency. It seems not to matter which proposition comes first, the other is thought to follow.  Perfect example here of circular reasoning that is to be found in almost all religious thought.

Some of the findings that authors Grim and Finke write about in: “The Price of Freedom Denied: Religious Persecution and Conflict in the Twenty-First Century.”

• 78 percent of Muslim-majority countries, compared with 10 percent of Christian-majority countries and 43 percent of other nations, had high levels of government restrictions on religion.

• Violent religious persecution is present in every country with a Muslim majority with a population of more than 2 million.

• 62 percent of Muslim-majority countries had at least moderate levels of persecution, with more than 200 people persecuted. In comparison, 28 percent of Christian-majority nations and 60 percent of other countries had similar levels of abuse.

• At the highest levels of persecution, 45 percent of Muslim-majority countries — more than four times the percentage of Christian-majority countries — were found to have more than a thousand people abused or displaced because of religion.

To me, this is a real good indicator of just how evil this religion is.  It talks peace and love, but is shown by cold hard statistics to be ruthless and unforgiving in the real world.  It doesn’t deserve any respect and should not be allowed in civilized company.
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There Are NO Moderate Muslims

Salman Taseer, the Pakistani governor of the Punjab province who was killed by one of his own bodyguards for being too liberal and wanting to reduce the penalty for blasphemy from death to a lesser sentence, apparently was considered too liberal by mainstream Muslims in the country.

From The National Review by Jonathon Goldberg 1-7-11

“A group of more than 500 leading Muslim scholars, representing what the Associated Press describes as a “moderate school of Islam” and the British Guardian calls the “mainstream religious organizations” in Pakistan not only celebrated the murder, but warned that no Muslim should mourn Taseer’s murder or pray for him.

They even went so far as to warn government officials and journalists that the “supporter is as equally guilty as one who committed blasphemy,” and so therefore they should all take “a lesson from the exemplary death” of Salman Taseer.

If that’s what counts for religious moderation in Pakistan, I think it’s a little late to be talking about extremists hijacking the religion. The religion has long since been hijacked, and it’s now moving on to even bigger things.”  My emphasis

So now “moderate” Muslims, the ones who keep telling us that we shouldn’t judge Islam by what the “extremists” are doing are now backing the killing of those who want to “really” moderate Islamic craziness.

This just backs up what I have been feeling for a long time…there are NO moderate Muslims that just want to be left in peace to practice their religion. The majority wants pretty much what the “extremists” want; the expansion of Islam in all of its glory and insane excesses against human rights to everyone in the world, and woe is the person who gets in its way.

The people (after all they are the ones who actually make the religion come alive) of the Islamic religion are the most dangerous people on earth.  They are unrepentant killers, and squashers of human liberty and rights.  They will do anything necessary to disperse the Islamic virus to every person, in every corner of the earth.

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