Republicans Continued Assault on Women

Connecting the Dots of the GOP Assault on Women
by: Mary Wentworth, Truthout | News Analysis

At a time when women in other countries like those in newly liberated Egypt, for example, are rising up to demand their rights, we women here in the United States are struggling to keep our hard-won gains.

We might ask whether there is a link between the moves in Congress to turn back the clock and what is going on in states like Wisconsin.

Beginning in the late sixties, the women’s liberation movement succeeded in opening up the world of work to us women, demanding in the process, and in many cases getting, equal pay for equal work, allowing us a fragile economic independence. Many married women now had the choice of being a full-time homemaker or earning an income or even pursuing a career.

Critical to those of us who had paying jobs were preschool and after school childcare services. Now, House Republicans have deleted money for Head Start, a program that provides preschool daycare to children from families whose mothers out of necessity labor at minimum wage jobs outside the home. At the same time, middle-income families are hard pressed to pay for private preschool care for their children.

Perhaps our biggest victory was the 1973 Supreme Court decision on Roe v. Wade that paved the way for legalization of abortions. Upon his retirement in 1994, Supreme Court Justice Harry Blackmun, who wrote the majority decision, commented that it was necessary “for the emancipation of women.”

The Republican-dominated House has passed legislation that limits our access to clinics and hospitals that offer the procedure that will terminate a pregnancy.

For some of us, control over our bodies and our lives is slipping away as Republicans have also stripped funding from Planned Parenthood, an organization that provides assistance to millions of low-income women in areas such as pregnancy counseling, sexually-transmitted diseases, contraceptive information, and other issues of concern.

In lock step with these measures, Gov. Scott Walker has launched a direct attack on working women in his state by taking away the collective bargaining rights of unionized public employees. He has exempted three unions – the police, firefighters and state troopers – that have a primarily male membership. That leaves professions that are dominated by us women – home health care workers, licensed childcare providers, employees of University Hospitals and Clinics, nurses and teachers to face the possibility of even lower wages and the eventual demise of their unions.

These actions haven’t come out of the blue. The backlash began heating up during Ronald Reagan’s two terms. One need look no further then the writings in the seventies and eighties of conservatives like George Gilder. Long-standing opposition to Aid to Families With Dependent Children, aka welfare, was rooted in conservatives’ belief that women belonged in the home, taking care of husbands and children, family members with disabilities and aging parents. Welfare, they argued, tempted women to leave their husbands and live off the state.

In a figment from his overactive imagination, Ronald Reagan often spoke of those of us who received assistance as “welfare queens riding around in Cadillacs.” The right was able to chalk one up when Bill Clinton abolished “welfare as we know it” in 1996, pushing many of us deeper into the hole of poverty and hopelessness.

Reagan also blamed us for the 1981-82 recession that occurred during his first term in office. In his almost incoherent syntax, Reagan made his remarks at a White House session with editors and broadcasters (New York Times, 4/18/82), “Part of the unemployment is not as much recession as it is the great increase in the people going into the job market, and, ladies, I’m not picking on anyone, but because of the increase in women who are working today and two-worker families and so forth.”

Ironically, Reagan’s fiscal policies had the diametrically opposite affect on his desired social agenda. He figured that his “trickle-down” economic theory would allow him to slash social services since his tax cuts to the rich would create jobs through their investment in new businesses.

While the rich speculated with their money rather than starting new businesses, jobs – many of them good-paying union jobs – started being shipped overseas under Reagan. The stagnation of wages that had begun in the seventies persisted. In the end, Reagan’s policies served to increase the number of two-earner families!

The men who self-righteously proclaim that they support “family values” are selling snake oil. If we women cannot plan our pregnancies, have no one to care for our children while we work, have employment only at subsistence wages, then we and our families are in serious trouble. While some women will be forced back into the home, financially dependent on a partner, many more will have a tougher time of it as they and their partners struggle to work more than two jobs in order to keep the family afloat. The country’s new generation of women faces many obstacles in carving out for themselves secure and satisfying lives.

In reality, conservatives are striving to shore up the worldwide patriarchal system by doing their part to keep it alive and well here in the heartland of the empire.

Based on the subordination and exploitation of women, patriarchy across the globe is kept in place through legal codes, social mores, religious practices, political isolation and economic disadvantage, thereby empowering men and solidifying their dominant position vis á vis women.

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Are Atheists Better People

Science has done more for the development of western civilization in one hundred years than Christianity did in eighteen hundred years.
~ Jeff Burroughs

I predict the continued growth of atheism in America is going to make for some very interesting times. The putative leaders of the Christian Right in America have spent years trying to cast themselves as the victims in a secular society, the facts behind this assertion are kinda slim though. It’s been my experience and observation that the only way that secularism/atheism bothers religion is when it has to fight them (metaphorically) to keep religion where it belongs…out of people’s faces and out of our government.

Atheists are well-behaved and we seem to play well with others overall.

Atheists are not in the news, like the Christian right, for getting caught doing things they tell others not to do.  You know…those nasty little sexual things.   🙂

Atheists almost always co-exist peacefully with religious believing family and friends.

Atheists pay taxes just like the religious believers do.

Atheists are waaay under represented in jails and prisons…we’re actually pretty moral people.

Atheists don’t start wars on behalf of atheism…unlike religion

They do join the military however, and contrary to clichéd belief, they are found in foxholes.

Atheists believe strongly in America and the whole American Constitution, but particularly the First Amendment that separates church and state.

Atheists are secularists who support a government free from influence by any religion. We are not anti-religious, we are Non-Religious.

Atheists don’t take up a lot of space. The non-religious/atheist/agnostic members of American society only add up to a little less than 18% of the whole population…but we are growing.   🙂

Atheists make good neighbors. Chances are, if you live next door, or work with an atheist, you will  never know it.

Atheists in general, are much more supportive of women’s rights and for their right to control their own bodies and lives without church or state interference.

Unlike the religious right people, atheists don’t like to get into other peoples business and dictate how they should live….what they should do or not do.  You know…like who you should marry.

Atheists are not known for going door-to-door to convert people to our way of thinking. We are however, known to help our friends and neighbors with no thought of there being a heavenly reward in it for us.

Unlike many of the present Republican presidential candidates and the religious right in general Atheists do not advocate or align themselves with groups who want to take over our government and reshape America into a religiously ruled theocracy…you know, kinda’ like the Middle Eastern Islamic states.

Atheists, unlike the Republican Right, the Tea-Party, and the religious right, do not go around with guns in meetings and say the President will never take their guns away, or wishing the president would fail and generally disrespecting the President and the office.  Or call him ni_ger behind his back

Atheists mostly do know a lot about religion, as many were raised in a religious family, and they tend to research and know their positions really well.  In recent national polling about religious knowledge, atheists knew more than any religious sub-group.

Hmmm…could it be…could the atheists actually be better citizens and better people to know than theists???  I know I never disrespect, with malice, someone for believing the ‘wrong thing’…I just like to get into friendly arguments/debates with them.

And remember…Atheism cures religious terrorism

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Women…Religion Wants To Control YOUR Body

The Religious right (most of whom are Republicans) are out to take away women’s right to their own body. In states around the country they are trying to get ‘personhood’ laws passed. This is a law that says that as soon as an human egg is fertilized it is a human and therefore has the same rights as you and I.  Following this line of reasoning if a pregnant woman somehow endangers her unborn baby…maybe having a few alcoholic drinks or smokes a cigarette  she is liable to be arrested for child abuse.

Following this malevolent line of reasoning to it’s evil and barbarous end we find that a women can be arrested for murder if she exhibits the above behavior and then miscarries.  Don’t laugh…just watch the video and maybe go to rhrealitycheck and read the full expose of religions evil plan to control  the bodies of all fertile women in the country.

And you thought the Dark Ages were long gone…


Behind all this is the ‘Lying for Jesus’ people and this is only a small sample of their deceptive agenda.

Energy And Life From The Stars is reporting on a Nature article

“Astronomers are reporting that organic compounds of unexpected complexity exist throughout the Universe – which means they can be made naturally by stars.

Researchers write in Nature that an organic substance commonly found throughout the Universe contains a mixture of aromatic (ring-like) and aliphatic (chain-like) components, compounds so complex that their chemical structures resemble those of coal and petroleum.”

“Not only are stars producing this complex organic matter, they are also ejecting it into the general interstellar space, the region between stars….”  Here

Going to Wikipedia to research the above mentioned organic substances we find:

“They are also found in the interstellar medium, in comets, and in meteorites and are a candidate molecule to act as a basis for the earliest forms of life.”  Wikipedia  Here  My emphasis

I wonder how this will effect oil and coal research, stellar physics, etc…and further down the road, creationism, earth origins, and so on.
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You Gotta Be A Christian To Be In The White house

This is just very very scary…and illegal I think.

The scary part is that the Republicans Party is controlled by evangelical fundamentalists, who are anxiously awaiting the Rapture.  We know that some of them are even willing to egg it on…if they could somehow…


The No Religious Test Clause of the United States Constitution is found in Article VI, paragraph 3, and states that:

The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.

Tax Breaks For The Super-Rich…Higher Taxes For You And Me

That’s the Universal plan of the Republican Party…

“Finally, take the term conservative, which has come to refer to advocates of a powerful state, which interferes massively in the economy and in social life (think all forms of sexuality). They advocate huge state expenditures and a postwar peak of protectionist measures and insurance against market risk, narrowing individual liberties through legislation and court-packing, protecting the Holy State from unwarranted inspection by the irrelevant citizenry — in short, those programs that are the precise opposite of traditional conservatism. Their allegiance is to “the people who own the country” and therefore “ought to govern it,” in the words of Founding Father John Jay.”  Noam ChomskyMy comment in parenthesis and My bolding of some words.

The Republican Party and its disreputable list of candidates who are vying for the presidency is just oblivious to the pain and loss of America and the common man and woman in this country.

“Republican presidential candidate Rick Perry says he wants a huge tax break for the rich, and he doesn’t care what it means for income inequality.”  My emphasis

Rick Perry announced on Tuesday that if elected president he would slash the corporate tax rate to 20 percent from 35 and give everyone the option of paying a flat income tax rate of 20 percent.”  HuffPo Here

ALL of the Republican presidential hopefuls are for tax ‘relief” for the richest 1% of the population…that’s just the way the Republican Party is nowadays.  In the last Forbes magazine list of the 400 richest people in the US, they were all billionaires…no millionaires at all. If you are a Republican wage earner in today’s economy you are not only probably poor, but you are the target of your political parties money vacuum…they really are out to kill the middle class.

“…Their allegiance is to “the people who own the country” and therefore “ought to govern it,” in the words of Founding Father John Jay.”
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Catholics And Porn…Again. Does It Ever End?

From the New York Times, October 14, 2011

“KANSAS CITY, Mo. — The Roman Catholic bishop of Kansas City-St. Joseph, Robert Finn, and the diocese he leads have been indicted by a county grand jury on a charge of failure to report suspected child abuse in the case of a priest who had been accused of taking lewd photographs of young girls.

The indictment is the first ever of a Catholic bishop in the 25 years since the scandal over sexual abuse by priests first became public in the United States.”  My emphasis

More proof that the Catholic hierarchy just doesn’t get it.  They think and act like they are above all secular laws

Republicans Vote Against American Jobs

The Republicans are just out to totally screw over the middle class in America.  They have arguably completely aligned themselves with the large corporations and the billionaires and against the common man, and plot to bring all of America under the thumb of the ruling elite.

“The Republicans didn’t just vote against “American jobs,” they literally filibustered them. While the GOP presidential candidates debated their plans to further screw the American economy Tuesday night, every single Republican senator approved the filibuster and overwhelmingly blocked The American Jobs Act from even coming to a vote on the floor of the U.S. Senate.”

It seems they are doing all they can to destroy our democracy and our country.  They have been against everything the president has proposed and the conservative radio personalities constantly berate and belittle him, and spew so much hatred that I am embarrassed for my country. I don’t think this is something they would try on a white man.  They are so totally evil and malevolent.

“Unemployment is stuck at 9.1 percent. Corporations are sitting on $2 trillion in cash, in fact, the largest pile of liquid assets since 1959, and they aren’t spending that money on anything, much less new jobs since they’ve convinced their existing employees to do twice the work for lower pay and dwindling benefits. Simultaneously, corporate profits are at an all-time high, corporate taxes are at an all-time low and middle class wages have been stagnant for decades. The political discourse is aired on cable as though it was a football game, while real Americans lose their homes and corporate criminals sashay between the rain drops unpunished — many of them failing up to better gigs.”  Go here for full story.  My bold emphasis

Used to be in our country that the Republicans and Democrats were civil to each other and America was passably livable no matter which party was in power.  Sure there were differences and sometimes very big disagreements, but now, to listen to the Republicans if we don’t bow down and cater to what they want our country is doomed.  They insist that we keep taxes lower for billionaires and humongous corporations then for middle class, we need to lower support for unessential things like…Oh I don’t know, like Social Security, Medicare (most seniors can’t afford the cost of drugs anymore), Schools and Teacher salaries and support for WIC (women and infant children)…and you know there are some REAL poor people out there, now that so many people are out of jobs, who could use a little help.

Contrary to what the Tea-Party/Republicans believe, not everyone is capable of pulling down $100,000 a year and have big health insurance coverage and retirement benefits.  It’s a nice dream, but sadly we don’t all qualify.  There are many many working poor in this country and it’s only getting worse…especially if we have to follow republican policies and practices.

Most Americans asked were for the bill by the way…here.

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Republicans Will Let Women Die With NO Help

The Republican Party just continues its dangerous attacks on women. They are the most evil people in politics today…and probably tie with the Medieval Borgia’s of Italy.

“In their latest assault on women’s health, this week House Republicans will take up HR 358, the ironically titled “Protect Life Act.” Opponents have rechristened the measure the Let Women Die bill because it would allow hospitals that receive federal funds to turn away a woman seeking an abortion in ALL circumstances, even if an abortion is necessary to save her life.  See full story here and here”  (My emphasis)

They have no respect for the lives of any women in our world; they are arguably following the Christian Dominionists and Catholic Church thinking in punishing women for having a sex life.  This particular bill gives people the power to kill women who find themselves in dire straits…without recourse.

It is an evil and deadly thing the churches and the Republican Party are trying to do here.  They are slowly building an American Nazi Party where the ‘State’ can sentence you to death and all you’ve done is have sex.
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Police Terrorize and Beat ‘Occupy Boston’ Followers

Boston Police terrorize citizens

Well the ‘rich elite 1 percent’ of Boston, Mass has shown the ‘Occupy Boston’ 99 percent who has the real power in that city.

Boston Police Brutally Assault Occupy Boston

“At 1:30 this morning hundreds of police in full riot gear brutally attacked Occupy Boston, which had peacefully gathered on the Rose Kennedy Greenway. The Boston Police Department made no distinction between protesters, medics, or legal observers, arresting legal observer Urszula Masny-Latos, who serves as the Executive Director for the Massachusetts branch of the National Lawyers Guild, as well as four medics attempting to care for the injured.”

Notice they made no distinction between anybody there in the area.  This is no doubt so that the word will get out that if you are there in any capacity you stand a good chance of getting your head bashed in…a favorite tactic of the fascist police squads.  You want to protest (which is a legal right by the way), we’ll beat you up and there’s nothing you can do about it


Earlier in the day, an estimated ten thousand union members, students, veterans, families, men, and women of all ages marched from the Boston Common to Dewey Square, and then to the North Washington Bridge to demand economic reform on Wall Street and the end of special interest influence in Washington.”

This is a very good cause and the protesters are behaving themselves, as are the spectators, the Medics and legal observers.  The people gathering have lost jobs or pensions or homes and their ability to understand what’s being done to them by the rich”

“Following this massive outpouring of public support, dozens of police vans descended on the Greenway, with batons drawn, assaulting protesters and arresting more than one-hundred people. Members of Veterans for Peace carrying American flags were pushed to the ground and their flags trampled as the police hauled them away.”

The fascist police are even attacking veterans…those people who have fought for our freedoms and sacrificed so much for America…shame on them and shame on the Boston police and shame on the city government who allowed such a terrible and atrocious thing to happen to their own citizens.

“Following the raid, Boston Police Commissioner Ed Davis made no mention of veterans, organized labor, students, or families, nor did he issue an apology for his department’s aggressive tactics. Since the beginning of its occupation, Occupy Boston has worked tirelessly and successfully to maintain a positive working relationship with city officials. Today’s reprehensible attack by the Boston Police Department against a movement that enjoys the broad support of the American people represents a sad and disturbing shift away from dialogue and towards violent repression.”

They are attempting to squash all our freedoms to protest and to let the government know that WE are unhappy with how predatory corporation (Banks, Wall St. Robber Barons) and government policies are screwing citizens of America.

An Occupy Boston spokesperson says:
“Despite the city’s attempt to silence us, Occupy Boston remains, and bears no ill-will towards the men and women of the Boston Police Department who were simply following orders. We hope that someday the peaceful pursuit of economic justice will not provoke the beating of elderly veterans and the arrest of medics and legal observers. We encourage everyone who continues to feel as strongly as we do about limiting the influence of Wall Street on our democracy to join us tomorrow, and in the future, down in Dewey Square.”

Yeah, well, the Nazi’s used that excuse that they were just following orders when they were terrorizing and killing unarmed and peaceful people didn’t they?
All American government entities, from your local small town police dept. or sheriff to the Department of Defense (DoD) are training their people to follow orders even when it means attacking/killing their neighbors or fellow citizens.  Unlike some government troops in Middle Eastern countries who would not fire on their own citizens, America’s police and military, when ordered, WILL.

“We will occupy. We are the 99 percent and we are no longer silent.”

American citizens should not be afraid of their government…the government should be afraid of the citizens

The care of human life and happiness, and not their destruction, is the first and only object of good government.   Thomas Jefferson