Somebody’s Gonna Be Disappointed

There are 200 countries in the world now.
Do those people honestly think that God is sitting around picking out his favorite?
Why would He do that?
Why would God have a favorite country?
And why would it be America out of all the countries?
Because you have the most money?
Because He likes our National Anthem?
Maybe it’s because He heard we have 18 delicious flavors of Classic Rice-A-Roni!
Its delusional thinking!
And America is not alone with this sort of delusions.
Military cemeteries around the world are packed with brainwashed dead soldiers who were convinced God was on their side.
America prays for God to destroy our enemies.
Our enemies pray for God to destroy us.
Somebody’s gonna be disappointed.
Somebody’s wasting their fuc_ing time.
Could it be everyone?

George Carlin

Catholic Church Investigators: Children Were Castrated

Dutch government inspectors were aware in the 1950’s that the Catholic Church was castrating young boys and doing it without informing parents…and surely against the boys wishes.

Young boys were being sexually abused by Catholic priests and if they complained to authorities they were involuntarily placed in Catholic run psychiatric institutions and castrated to ‘help’ their homosexual feelings or behavior.

A committee was set up by the Catholic Church itself in 2010 when the abuse scandal broke. It is said to have identified some 800 priests and monks in the Netherlands who were actively abusing children in a 40 year period from 1945 to 1985.

Among other things it found was that church officials, bishops, and lay people were aware of the evil going on in the church and church institutions, but failed to take action

This committee is now under fire for glossing over many incidents and not giving proper weight to the allegations and incidences.  One politician  involved in the original inspection, Vic Marijnen,  was even elected as prime minister of the Netherlands in the 1963.

This politician had tried to get charges dropped against several Catholic priests accused of child sexual abuse.

So again we have the ‘universal church’ showing just how holy and spiritual the Christian religion really is.  Apologists for the Church say it’s not the church, but the humans involved.  However it has been proven that this crap is known by all members of the organization all the way up to the Pope and they all try to wiggle out from under any responsibility, and hide it as much as possible.  This Church is evil from top to bottom (talking church executives, priests, bishops, etc…not congregations) and why any moral and righteous citizen would want to listen to or join with these evil people is beyond me.

The Catholic Church has a very long history of murder and assassinations, priestly misconduct, slave holding, Popes having mistresses and little boy companions, priestly homosexual pimping for the hierarchy, in short they are the least compliant to the supposed  will of God of all the Christian denominations.

They are currently behind the American Republican parties assault on women’s right to control their own sexuality, reproduction, and bodies.  In attempts to control African reproduction, the Pope lies about the effectiveness of condoms in controlling the spread of AIDS.

Polls have consistently found that 90% or more American Catholics use birth control in defiance of Catholic dogma…I suppose the Pope is worried that there won’t be enough little Catholic babies to take up the slack.  Catholics are responsible, at least in part, for the overpopulation of the earth.

They are evil..from beginning times to now.

Parts adapted from

Smile…You’re on CCTV

A Party member lives from birth to death under the eye of the Thought Police. Even when he is alone he can never be sure that he is alone. Wherever he may be, asleep or awake, working or resting, in his bath or in bed, he can be inspected without warning and without knowing that he is being inspected His friendship, his relaxations, his behavior toward his wife and children, the expression of his face when he is alone, the words he mutters in sleep, even the characteristic movements of his body, are all jealously scrutinized.”  George Orwell, 1984, published 1949

‘They’ are behind schedule, but getting closer and closer. Think warrantless searches…where the DHS and other government agencies can enter your home while you are gone and search your house and computer, never tell you, and threaten your neighbor who might witness the intrusion that if they tell you they will go to jail, and it’s not just used for terror suspects anymore. And of course you already know that the government can get a list of books you check out from the library and forbid the librarian from tipping you off.

No cameras in your house yet, but they’re spreading all over the public spaces in some cities. In London they (the government) can probably video track you all the way from when you leave your house to go to work to when you come home at night. Last estimate I heard was that there were 2-4 million CCTV cameras surveilling the citizenry. In America those traffic light cameras are multiplying like bunnies and in large cities the CCTV cameras are getting much more common.  The trend doesn’t seem to be slowing down and now face recognition can easily identify people on the street.

There are many critics of this kind of surveillance and their fears are not unfounded.  There is the real possibility that we may not be able to met anonymously or walk or drive around the city without being recorded.  If there is a demonstration going on and you stop to talk, this can be recorded and wrong suspicions could possibly be raised.  The state does NOT have the right to track your everyday movements…but they want to be able too.

Are Atheists Better People

Science has done more for the development of western civilization in one hundred years than Christianity did in eighteen hundred years.
~ Jeff Burroughs

I predict the continued growth of atheism in America is going to make for some very interesting times. The putative leaders of the Christian Right in America have spent years trying to cast themselves as the victims in a secular society, the facts behind this assertion are kinda slim though. It’s been my experience and observation that the only way that secularism/atheism bothers religion is when it has to fight them (metaphorically) to keep religion where it belongs…out of people’s faces and out of our government.

Atheists are well-behaved and we seem to play well with others overall.

Atheists are not in the news, like the Christian right, for getting caught doing things they tell others not to do.  You know…those nasty little sexual things.   🙂

Atheists almost always co-exist peacefully with religious believing family and friends.

Atheists pay taxes just like the religious believers do.

Atheists are waaay under represented in jails and prisons…we’re actually pretty moral people.

Atheists don’t start wars on behalf of atheism…unlike religion

They do join the military however, and contrary to clichéd belief, they are found in foxholes.

Atheists believe strongly in America and the whole American Constitution, but particularly the First Amendment that separates church and state.

Atheists are secularists who support a government free from influence by any religion. We are not anti-religious, we are Non-Religious.

Atheists don’t take up a lot of space. The non-religious/atheist/agnostic members of American society only add up to a little less than 18% of the whole population…but we are growing.   🙂

Atheists make good neighbors. Chances are, if you live next door, or work with an atheist, you will  never know it.

Atheists in general, are much more supportive of women’s rights and for their right to control their own bodies and lives without church or state interference.

Unlike the religious right people, atheists don’t like to get into other peoples business and dictate how they should live….what they should do or not do.  You know…like who you should marry.

Atheists are not known for going door-to-door to convert people to our way of thinking. We are however, known to help our friends and neighbors with no thought of there being a heavenly reward in it for us.

Unlike many of the present Republican presidential candidates and the religious right in general Atheists do not advocate or align themselves with groups who want to take over our government and reshape America into a religiously ruled theocracy…you know, kinda’ like the Middle Eastern Islamic states.

Atheists, unlike the Republican Right, the Tea-Party, and the religious right, do not go around with guns in meetings and say the President will never take their guns away, or wishing the president would fail and generally disrespecting the President and the office.  Or call him ni_ger behind his back

Atheists mostly do know a lot about religion, as many were raised in a religious family, and they tend to research and know their positions really well.  In recent national polling about religious knowledge, atheists knew more than any religious sub-group.

Hmmm…could it be…could the atheists actually be better citizens and better people to know than theists???  I know I never disrespect, with malice, someone for believing the ‘wrong thing’…I just like to get into friendly arguments/debates with them.

And remember…Atheism cures religious terrorism

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Republicans Vote Against American Jobs

The Republicans are just out to totally screw over the middle class in America.  They have arguably completely aligned themselves with the large corporations and the billionaires and against the common man, and plot to bring all of America under the thumb of the ruling elite.

“The Republicans didn’t just vote against “American jobs,” they literally filibustered them. While the GOP presidential candidates debated their plans to further screw the American economy Tuesday night, every single Republican senator approved the filibuster and overwhelmingly blocked The American Jobs Act from even coming to a vote on the floor of the U.S. Senate.”

It seems they are doing all they can to destroy our democracy and our country.  They have been against everything the president has proposed and the conservative radio personalities constantly berate and belittle him, and spew so much hatred that I am embarrassed for my country. I don’t think this is something they would try on a white man.  They are so totally evil and malevolent.

“Unemployment is stuck at 9.1 percent. Corporations are sitting on $2 trillion in cash, in fact, the largest pile of liquid assets since 1959, and they aren’t spending that money on anything, much less new jobs since they’ve convinced their existing employees to do twice the work for lower pay and dwindling benefits. Simultaneously, corporate profits are at an all-time high, corporate taxes are at an all-time low and middle class wages have been stagnant for decades. The political discourse is aired on cable as though it was a football game, while real Americans lose their homes and corporate criminals sashay between the rain drops unpunished — many of them failing up to better gigs.”  Go here for full story.  My bold emphasis

Used to be in our country that the Republicans and Democrats were civil to each other and America was passably livable no matter which party was in power.  Sure there were differences and sometimes very big disagreements, but now, to listen to the Republicans if we don’t bow down and cater to what they want our country is doomed.  They insist that we keep taxes lower for billionaires and humongous corporations then for middle class, we need to lower support for unessential things like…Oh I don’t know, like Social Security, Medicare (most seniors can’t afford the cost of drugs anymore), Schools and Teacher salaries and support for WIC (women and infant children)…and you know there are some REAL poor people out there, now that so many people are out of jobs, who could use a little help.

Contrary to what the Tea-Party/Republicans believe, not everyone is capable of pulling down $100,000 a year and have big health insurance coverage and retirement benefits.  It’s a nice dream, but sadly we don’t all qualify.  There are many many working poor in this country and it’s only getting worse…especially if we have to follow republican policies and practices.

Most Americans asked were for the bill by the way…here.

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Muslims Want To Kill Americans Everywhere

Today in a videotaped eulogy for dead 🙂 al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden his deputy warned America that they face an international community of Muslims that seek to destroy it and its allies.

Full story can be found here:

Well so much for warm fuzzy feelings and normal relations with the Muslim community all over the world.  I’m just sitting here and thinking of how the greater Muslim community would react if there was a large group of American terrorists vowing to slaughter and maim all followers of Islam wherever they are found in the world.  They key to this scenario is that our government would round up any members of an American terrorist group, jail them, and throw away the key.

Muslims for some unknown reason cannot seem to do this to their own terrorist groups…I wonder why.
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More Thoughts on Christian Morality

Today we humans do not consider it moral to wantonly kill people of other cultures, nor do we consider it moral to indiscriminately rape and savagely beat women and children, also we think slavery is an abomination that should be stopped at all cost.  This behavior however was condoned by the Old Testament God.  He purposely (if we are to believe the Hebrew goat herder writers) sent out Hebrew warriors to eliminate whole tribes and existing cultures of the land.

We do not do these things today because we have grown up as a people and culture.  Most good people would not do these things the early Hebrews did even if a god said too.  We have evolved a morality that far transcends the OT God. We properly value human life; women and children, and never want to see slavery in our lifetime.  (Well, I think the Republicans want to see “wage slaves”…you know, about $1.00 per hour…so they can “*Compete.” (*make more profit))

Anyway I think most humans have a prior notion of what is moral and what is not.  As Jerry Coyne says in his latest (4-22-11) blog post…“If you respond that God is good, and would never ask people to commit immoral acts, that too shows that you have a notion of morality that’s prior to God.”  My emphasis

Mans concept of morality has constantly changed, unlike the imaginary God, who says himself that he never changes.  In the 1950’s, in America, you could be sent to prison for a very long time if you practiced sodomy (this lingered on until the 80’s or 90’s in some cases), or even tried cunnilingus on your legally married WIFE. In New York recently a man was charged with Adultery of all things. The various churches & religions have tried to keep a long list of things as chargeable criminal offences both in the bedroom and everyday life, but we as a race and culture have finally started to grow up and realize that the Churches&Religions were/are pushing evil and poisonous worldviews.

One of the great attributes of the human mind is to be able to think logically and make good decisions; it’s too bad that so many Americans do not use that ability when they ponder religion.

Religion does NOT hold exclusive rights to the Morality card…we humans also have a very large share of it…always have.

Religion…its given people hope in a world torn apart by Religion–Jon Steward

Revolution anyone?
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Muslims…Learn “Christian Values” or Get Out of Germany

Immigrants without Christian values have no place in Germany,” says Chancellor Angela Merkel.

“Multikulti”, the concept that we are now living side by side and are happy about it, does not work.”

She said that the attempt to create a multi-cultural society has failed completely and she called for the countries immigrants to learn the German language and adopt Christian values.

“We feel tied to Christian values. Those who don’t accept them don’t have a place here,” said the chancellor.

“Subsidizing immigrants isn’t sufficient, and Germany has the right to make demands on them,” she added, “such as mastering the German language and abandoning practices such as forced marriages.”

Integrating Muslims has been a hot button issue since this past August when Thilo Sarrazin a member of Germany’s central bank touched off outrage by saying the country was being made “more stupid” by poorly educated and unproductive Muslim migrants with headscarves.

In a recent study by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation nearly 60 percent of the over 2400 people polled, thought that the four million Muslims in Germany should have their religious practices “significantly curbed.”

I couldn’t agree more. If the Muslim immigrants to America can’t integrate into our culture then they need to go back to their original home.  Islamic values as relates to women and how to treat them is totally unacceptable in our society.  That little Islamic practice of allowing the religious leaders to declare Jihad and encourage Muslims to go out and kill and bomb and totally disrupt order is not acceptable here.  The law of the land applies to Everyone, without exception.

I think that most Muslims here in America are here because they wanted to escape the oppressive theocratic regimes of the country they came from, and that is great…now you have to integrate and leave that religious inbreeding crap behind you.  You can practice your religion…in a modified form.  You have to realize, and accept, that some of your religious and cultural practices have to stop.

There are no freebie’s or excuses.
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We Shall Abolish The Orgasm

Quote of the day

“We shall abolish the orgasm. Our neurologists are at work upon it now. There will be no loyalty, except loyalty towards the Party. There will be no love, except the love of Big Brother. There will be no laughter, except the laugh of triumph over a defeated enemy. There will be no art, no literature, no science. When we are omnipotent there will be no need of science. There will be no distinction between beauty and ugliness. There will be no curiosity, no enjoyment of the process of life. All competing pleasures will be destroyed. But always—do not forget this Winston—always there will be the intoxication of power, constantly increasing and constantly growing subtler. Always, at every moment, there will be the thrill of victory, the sensation of trampling on an enemy who is helpless. If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face—forever.”  George Orwell

No orgasms, no loyalty, no love, no laughter, no art, no literature, no science.  Sounds like a religious nut jobs wet-dream. Pat Robertson and crew would be behind this 100%.  Pat of course is a Dominionist (Sarah Palin is one also I hear), whose goal is either a nation governed by conservative Christians, or a nation governed by a conservative Christian understanding of Biblical law…primarily the Old Testaments first 5 chapters—the Pentateuch.

“In his 1992 study of Dominion Theology and its influence on the Christian Right, Bruce Barron PhD, writes,

“In the context of American evangelical efforts to penetrate and transform public life, the distinguishing mark of a dominionist is a commitment to defining and carrying out an approach to building society that is self-consciously defined as exclusively Christian, and dependent specifically on the work of Christians, rather than based on a broader consensus.

According to sociologist Sara Diamond, the defining concept of dominionism is “that Christians alone are Biblically mandated to occupy all secular institutions until Christ returns”. In 1989, Diamond declared that this concept “has become the central unifying ideology for the Christian Right.”  In 1995, she called it “prevalent on the Christian Right”. Journalist Chip Berlet added in 1998 that, although they represent different theological and political ideas, dominionists assert a Christian duty to take “control of a sinful secular society.”

They got their wish in 2000 (as they predicted) in electing ol’ GWB.  Of course there is still that controversy over his actually being “voted” in.  From that point the religious right had control of the Republican Party.  Its members are overwhelmingly evangelical fundamentalists.  The “teabagger movement” (who are totally controlled by outsiders) is really pissed that a black-man, who they deem an Islamic Fifth Columnist,  has control of “their America”…and he was actually “voted” in…How dare those lefty liberals.

The 2012 election cycle is going to be pretty exciting.  Keep an eye out for all those Republicans who might enter the primaries.  Really scary religious fundamentalists are waiting for their chance to take over.

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The War on Terror Will be Never-ending

Alongside the willing sacrifice of privacy by a naive and lazy public, is the enforced forfeiture of civil liberties under the guise of the ‘War on Terror’. Government legislation has significantly increased surveillance, data collection, and security measures ‘for your own safety‘. And more sophisticated and intrusive methods are coming soon. England is already 90% of the way to an Orwellian society…we aren’t far behind…America is in the top 5 (or in the bottom 5 depending on your viewpoint) for the most surveillance of it’s own citizens.

We need to talk to all those computer and high technology geeks who keep inventing evil and intrusive technology to crush and take away human freedoms. Tell them to stop it. Buzz it up. Put on peer pressure. Let them know there are really evil people out there that misuse technology they invent and  that they themselves, and their children, will be negatively affected.

Americans need to get off their lazy asses and start talking to their Senators and Congressmen and let them know that we are really sick of what they are doing with our various rights. Are we going to have to fight for them again? I’m not sure that many politicians will actually try to fight the crap going on in Washington…we have to at least try. Talk to your friends and neighbors, your co-workers, your in-laws, anyone you can corner for a casual talk and plant a bug in their brain about how wrong it is.

House of Representatives


The Whitehouse

Ex-Boss of Englands MI5 service (James Bonds employer :-)) says that “Terrorist threat was ‘exploited to curb civil liberties’
Security measures brought in after September 11 attacks ‘undermined the rule of law’
Go here for full story.

This is something really important for all of us in this country…and the world actually.