Intelligent Design is Dead…Finally!

Over at Jerry Coyne’s blog ‘Why Evolution is True’ he is writing of the death of Intelligent Design (ID).  It’s about time I say.  Creationist Muggles have kept the stupid sham going far beyond its sell by date

“There is no longer any pretense that ID is science. It’s been reduced, as have all forms of creationism, to simpleminded criticism of evolutionary theory, without any predictions or insights of its own.  Twenty years on, ID has offered us not a single insight into nature.”  -Jerry Coyne

Catholic Sexaholics Are Still Going Strong

A new series of reports into Irish Catholic dioceses on Wednesday revealed horrific child sex abuse by priests and mistakes by Roman Catholic Church authorities in dealing with them.

Some of the cases detailed by the Church’s own child protection watchdog occurred as recently as August 2010, and the Irish republic’s Minister for Children Frances Fitzgerald warned that still more abuse could be revealed.”

The story of Catholic priest’s sexually assaulting young boys (primarily) just keeps on giving.  So far the Irish seem to have the record for the most, and the most horrific, treatment of young human males in modern times…and I’ll bet they would also hold the same record in olden times too. The Catholic Church has almost always been ‘misbehavin’, in many ways, throughout its long history.  That they still have members is a miracle.

Right now I’m wondering how far this college child sex scandal will go…

Militarized Police in America

The military like counterinsurgency tactics that police used to subdue peaceful and unarmed demonstrators at various Occupy Wall Street (OWS) encampments around the country have left many citizens shocked at the monstrous and evil treatment the police used against non-confrontational peaceful protestors…they were treated like enemy combatants in a war.  We see machine gun carrying policemen dressed in military like combat gear…military grade equipment and military tactics.

When your local police force is armed with military equipment and has a head fill of military tactics learned at seminars that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and Department of Defense (DoD) puts on for police forces all around the country, you may not want to attend any protests like OWS and possibly get disabled or killed.

They are teaching these tactics so the citizens right to peaceably protest anything our government does will be quickly smothered and others will be persuaded that it’s too dangerous to dissent.  If your friend or neighbor is sent to the hospital with a brain concussion for marching to protest government graft and incompetence…like OWS is…you might not go out on the next day’s march or protest.

Government does not like anyone to dissent from their use of power, to object to the illegal and/or underhanded things they do.  After all we are the world leaders in everything, and we have God on our side and cannot do any wrong.  If you don’t like it move to Russia or Iraq.  If you are a dissenter you are unpatriotic and probably a communist or socialist.  If you disagree with our government you need to die.


Heard or read sentiments like these have you?  Our American government Disinformation and Propaganda Bureau is on the job…heh–so is Fox News.

Anyway, the police forces were established to protect the peace and safety of its citizens and the community; not to use SS tactics on peaceful people who happen to be demonstrating.  Our military is created for killing foreign, hostile armed forces, the enemies of freedom, and the jackals who oppose our freedoms.  Today our police forces have military grade equipment and military tactical training; this is a disaster waiting to happen…remember the Kent State shootings; military armament and soldiers against ‘flower power’ civilians?  How about ‘Ruby Ridge’ and ‘Waco’; military might and tactics against civilians?

Ever hear those conspiracy theories about our armed forces being trained to kill their own countrymen?   You know like those soldiers in Egypt, Syria, and Libya did.

Exactly what type of military equipment is in the arsenal of police departments in America today?

The average patrol officer carries a usually semi-automatic handgun and perhaps a backup gun, a pepper spray canister, a taser, a baton or nightstick and handcuffs.  This is normal and expected, after all these men go into strange and deadly scenes with some regularity, they need to defend themselves.  Nowadays however, with having so many strategic alliances with the military and DHS agencies, the list of equipment has grown exponentially and it’s very deadly stuff.  The New York PD boasts that they can take down a 747 airliner.

In 1994 a Memorandum of Understanding between the Dept. of Justice and the Dept. of Defense authorized the transfer of military technology to local police departments around the country.  This was surplus equipment normally reserved for use in wartime.

As a result of equipment sharing the Department of Defense, by 1997, had handed over a million + military items to law enforcement agencies around the country. Among the items were almost 4,000 M-16s, 185 M-14s, 73 grenade launchers (grenade launchers for Christ’s sake) and over 110 armored personnel carriers.

At the end of 2005 nearly three quarters of a billion dollars worth of military grade equipment was distributed to some 17,000 police departments.  This included such things as over a thousand night-vision goggles, a few hundred more grenade launchers for Christ’s sake, almost 8,000 M-16 rifles, and some Blackhawk military, missile & 50 Cal. machine gun carrying helicopters…for Christ’s sake.


After the War on Terror started and the Department of Homeland Security was created, the money started flowing rapidly to our police departments everywhere.  It helped with everyday equipment such as walkie-talkies, bulletproof vests, ammo and such, but it also started a run on really out there apparatus such as a 9 ton bullet proof vehicle called a Bearcat G3, that has gun ports, tear gas dispenser and a battering ram, and even weaponized drones…you know like they use in Afghanistan to spy on the bad guys from the air…I just had a flash day dream of drones using their Hellfire missiles to take out a OWS protest in Dallas….

I fear for my country

War Profiteering

Billions and billions of taxpayer dollars go into the blackhole of government subsidies and programs every year…the majority of this money ends up with the 1%…the cronies of our senators and congresspersons. It’s not used to create more jobs…it’s used to line the nest of the recipients.

No body cares; this 1%, and the government officials they pay-off, have brainwashed and confused the common person so well they even end up defending the rich and ruthless traitors…think tea-party.
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Who Increased The National Debt

Just Follow The Evidence

One of the Pew Poll’s on religion in America said that there are 18% non-believers in ANY religion in this country. That’s about 54,000,000 + — people…it’s time we spoke up and not take anymore crap from Christians.
NO empirical evidence exists to justify the truth of the Christian faith, or any other religion.

Carl Sagan Day

Today, the 9th of November is Carl Sagan’s birthday.  He would be 77 years old.

Carl Edward Sagan (November 9, 1934 – December 20, 1996) Carl was an American astronomer, astrophysicist, cosmologist, author, science popularizer and science communicator in astronomy and natural sciences. He published more than 600 scientific papers and articles and was author, co-author or editor of more than 20 books. He advocated scientifically skeptical inquiry and the scientific method, pioneered exobiology and promoted the Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence (SETI).

Sagan is best known  for the award-winning 1980 television series Cosmos: A Personal Voyage, which he narrated and co-wrote and for his popular science books.  The book Cosmos was published to accompany the series. Sagan wrote the novel Contact, which was the basis for a excellent 1997 film of the same name, staring Jody Foster.

Create Universe

Adam and Eve No Longer Tenable

Jason Rosenhouse over at EvolutionBlog details some of the theological twists and turns some religious writers are going through trying to explain a religious world with no Adam and Eve to blame original sin on.

“One of the many problems modern science poses for Christianity is the question of how to understand original sin. The traditional teaching, which holds that Adam and Eve were the only humans on the planet when they were created on day six of Creation Week, that the ground was cursed and they were expelled from Eden as a result of a specific sin they committed, and that this corrupted state was in some way passed down to all future human beings, is no longer tenable. A variety of lines of evidence make it clear that the human population has always numbered in the thousands and certainly never dipped down to two. Moreover, evolution makes clear that humans arose through eons of natural selection. There was no moment of creation, and there was no state of primordial perfection for them to sully.”  Jason Rosenhouse PhD, EvolutionBlog.  Full post Here    My emphasis
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Are You A Rich Christian Republican