America Down the Tubes Courtesy of Politics

So Tea-Party members/Republicans are cheering Ron Paul and his seemingly deep disregard for Americans who are sick and cannot afford Health Insurance.  I suppose they think that the more poor people that die–the better off they will be.

CNN’s Wolf Blitzer asks Rep. Ron Paul whether medical care should be provided to a hypothetical, uninsured 30-year-old man who lapsed into a coma, to which Paul responded, “That’s what freedom is all about, taking your own risks.”  Blitzer then asked, “Are you saying that society should just let him die?” audience members erupted into loud cheers of “Yeah!” and laughter.

Coincidentally Tuesday morning the US Census Bureau released data showing the number of uninsured Americans this year has risen by another 900,000 to 49.9 million people (that’s a 13.3 million person rise since 2000). The Census Bureau also reported a huge leap in the poverty rate, more than 46 million Americans, about one in six) lived below the poverty line. Maybe one reason so many people are without health coverage is that health insurance premiums have doubled in nine years (got to pay all those multi-multi-million dollar salaries to the company CEO’s).

According to a study done this year by Harvard Medical School and Cambridge Health Alliance published by the American Journal of Public Health. Nearly 45,000 deaths in the U.S. every year are associated with lack of health insurance.

Also the United States has both the highest overall poverty rate and the highest childhood poverty rate of any major industrialized country on earth, according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.
While 21.6 percent of American children live in poverty,
In Denmark the rate is 3.7 percent
In Finland the rate is 5.3 percent
In Iceland the rate is 6.7 percent
In Germany the rate is 8.3 percent
In France the rate is 9.3 percent
We are uncomfortably close to 3rd. world Mexico who has 25.8% of its children living in poverty.

All of these bad numbers in the US are arguably caused by our government’s dumb ass practices and policies. We spend TRILLIONS** of dollars on illegal and unnecessary wars, and come to find out that many-many BILLIONS of those dollars are just flat missing and unaccounted for. Meanwhile we are borrowing money from China to pay interest. We continually suck money out of programs for educating our young, from repairing our infrastructure and paving our roads…and yes, for programs that help our poor and indigent.

Government’s main business is to look after the welfare of its citizens, and to provide common services that we as individuals cannot do.  That’s why we CITIZENS band together and make governments…to further the interest of the common folk, for the common good. It is not to enable crooked politicians to consistently (and without consequences) raid the treasury to pay for billionaires’ and monster companies missteps, foreign wars, foreign aid, pork projects, an American Gestapo and unnecessary bridges to nowhere.

We are quickly building a very BIG class of dis-enfranchised citizenry, people who are losing their houses, their income, their health benefits, their ability to care for their family, their dignity, and their patience with a government that does not care and supports only corporations and billionaires.

Don’t fool yourself, these corporations and billionaires don’t care in the least about us, the people…all they care about is getting the peoples labor for the lowest possible wage and no benefits. They are truly and consciously trying to eliminate the American middle class. They send all jobs they possibly can to low labor cost countries and end up ultimately devaluing the citizenry in those countries.  Capitalism is great and all, but as with all things taken to the maximum extreme…crippling.

America cannot stand much more of the evil and unconscionable manipulation and thievery that we are being subjected to by our own government. We need to start making them accountable for their wickedness and VERY badly mistaken priorities.

**It has also been reported in the last two decades that the Department of Defense and the Bureau of Indian Affairs have both “LOST” a TRILLION dollars…they both have no idea in hell where the money went.  Just think, that’s Two Thousand Billion Bucks…no one got in trouble, no one was ever held accountable.  You see, when the government does it…it’s not a crime.  Is that Democracy or is that tyranny?
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Obama Trashes Habeas corpus in America

Obama just keeps on trashing the American constitution (something that Bush started) and the Bill of Rights.  Ever heard of “Prolonged detention?”  This is a total trashing of the foundation of Habeas corpus, a concept that is part and parcel of civilized law in every enlightened country in the world.  We might as well be controlled by Nazi’s or Communists.

Is there anything we can do to stop this government from constantly encroaching on our human rights?  Do we even care anymore?

Untold Stories of the TSA Abuses of Power

In March of this year a developmentally delayed 4 year old boy who had to wear leg braces because his ankles were malformed and weak because of a premature birth, was on his way to Disney World for his birthday celebration.

The braces the boy has to wear are made of metal and hard plastic…of course this sets off the airport scanners in Philadelphia and the SS TSA screener said the boy had to take the braces off and he had to walk without them.

The boy’s father, Bob Thomas, a law enforcement officer with the Camden, NJ police says the family complied with the order but remained very upset and contacted Daniel Rubin, a columnist who has been reporting on mistreatment of travelers during TSA screenings

TSA spokeswoman Ann Davis told Rubin that the boy should not have been told to remove his braces.

“The boy should have been directed to a private screening area, where he could have been swabbed for traces of explosive materials,” Rubin is reporting.

How f**king stupid are these people anyway?  It seems every day or two the news is reporting a new incident where the TSA agent is apparently brain dead and unable to think on their feet…and it’s getting worse every day.

We can’t say anything to them or we’ll get arrested, and if you’re escorted away they do everything in their power to humiliate you in front of other passengers, and they’ll lie like there’s no tomorrow to save face when they are obviously in the wrong 90% of the time.

Their police powers need to be taken away from them as they are obviously not trained to handle the kind of power they have.  Video and audio files of each encounter need to be made as this will be a vital deterrent to the abuse the SS screeners would mete out to their victims. And they Really need to have more customer relations training.

Best thing to do though is not fly for awhile. Put off that trip to see relatives, or not take an Island vacation for a year or so and boycott all flights except those absolutely necessary…see what happens…I’ll bet TSA under pressure from the airlines will straighten up their act.

Government is the real problem …they set up these crappy agencies and give them powers that they should never have.  They beat you over the head and tell you that you do as directed or we’ll sh*t all over you and yours. No sense of diplomacy at all, but what do you expect from the SS?

Story inspired by an article from the Orlando Sentinel, March 16, 2010. Here

TSA…We handle more junk than ebay–Jay Leno
All Good Things Must End
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Start Profiling and Searching Muslims

So the TSA and other US government officials are telling us that the new airport security procedures of either a full body scan, using cancer causing radiation, or a rigorous personal pat-down that includes an improper and constitutionally forbidden (unreasonable search, probable cause) feel up of your genital area is necessary to counteract the new threats of terrorism that we Americans are suddenly faced with.

My question to them is just when do they think we will have a strong enough handle on this terrorism thing to be able to discontinue the maddening SS style security measures at airports across our country? We know where all the terrorism threats and action is coming from…we know the exact people and exact countries that are involved in threatening us, and the whole world, with destruction; why are we not acting on this knowledge…in our airports?

We know what religion all the terrorists are; this has been consistent all over the world since 9-11. So it seems to me that all we have to do is put these 2 bits of information together about a specific person and we have reasonable cause to suspect certain people and put THEM through the gauntlet of security anytime they want to fly into or around the US. This is not rocket science, it is common sense.

Fairness and non-discrimination doesn’t enter in to the calculation; if you are a Muslim and come from–Ohhh, let’s say… Saudi Arabia…then you are going to get the full body scan and/or genital pat-down. If you are a Muslim women…the TSA will see your junk and you will bring shame on your family. My 90 year old, white haired granny from Kentucky will not be bothered, nor will I or my six year old grandson.

All the Muslims have to do to stop this insanity is to totally disown and lock-down all the crazy sons-a-bitch Mullahs and batspit crazy fundamentalists that prey on legitimate Muslims. Show us that you really are a “religion of peace.” When all the terrorist killings and bombings going on in the world is committed by Muslims it does not bring peace of mind to us, and I’m tired of paying the price for your religious idiots.


Sikhs are mad over extra screening because of their turbans
Sikhs are not supposed to take off their turbans in public, but now because of tighter screening rules the TSA says they must do just this…Sikhs are not happy.
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Torture is Prohibited by Law Throughout the United States

In 1998 the United States reported to the United Nations that the following is our pledge to the UN Convention Against Torture.

Torture is prohibited by law throughout the United States. It is categorically denounced as a matter of policy and as a tool of state authority. Every act constituting torture under the Convention constitutes a criminal offense under the law of the United States. No official of the government, federal, state or local, civilian or military, is authorized to commit or to instruct anyone else to commit torture. Nor may any official condone or tolerate torture in any form. No exceptional circumstances may be invoked as a justification of torture.” I added the bold to some text

“Except when WE want to”– George Bush…I just made that up, but it probably adequately describes what really happened. I heard that at least 10 other treaties were tossed aside for the Bush/Cheney war on civilization.

The United States has a very long history of making accords, pacts, treaties, deals, and solemn promises and almost universally and immediately breaking said accords, pacts, deals, treaties, etc.  Talk to the native Americans, I don’t think ANY of the treaties we made with them were honored and we continued to steal what is theirs right up to today.  We look good on paper, but don’t count on any promises we make as a country. Do as we say…don’t do as we do.

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We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Probable Cause

A law that’s been on American books (and in the Constitution) forever is now biting the dust because of Presidents Bush and Obama. Breaking his campaign promises to enhance civil liberties in relation to national security the Obama administration is continuing the screwing over the American Constitution that Bush started.

“The Obama administration is seeking to make it easier for the FBI to compel companies to turn over records of an individual’s Internet activity without a court order if agents deem the information relevant to a terrorism or intelligence investigation.

The administration wants to add just four words — “electronic communication transactional records” — to a list of items that the law says the FBI may demand without a judge’s approval. Government lawyers say this category of information includes the addresses to which an Internet user sends e-mail; the times and dates e-mail was sent and received; and possibly a user’s browser history. It does not include, the lawyers hasten to point out, the “content” of e-mail or other Internet communication.”  From the Washington Post.

The use of National Security Letters is equivalent to the old ‘Writs of Assistance’ the British used against us here in America in pre-revolutionary times

From Wikipedia
“In practice, customs writs of assistance served as general search warrants that did not expire, allowing customs officials to search anywhere for smuggled goods without having to obtain a specific warrant. These writs became controversial when they were issued by courts in British America in the 1760s, especially the Province of Massachusetts Bay. Controversy over these general writs of assistance inspired the Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution, which forbids general search warrants in the United States.

The NSL’s are the modern equivalent to general search warrants which are constitutionally forbidden.  Good luck on getting the administration to admit this. 😦   The American government just keeps pushing the envelope regarding how much the citizens will put up with. I think the general feeling among top officials is that they can get away with pretty much anything…if they mention terrorism.
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Kiss The 1st. Goodbye

Listen up kiddies, they’re at it again.  It’s happening in small bites scattered here and there so most people don’t even realize what’s going on.  We citizens have no say anymore.

Under the provisions of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act passed in 1998 the Obama administration has shut down 73,000 blogs this week which were hosted on the WordPress based hosting service. Initially the target was a small group of sites which were involved in illegal file sharing, but ultimately a request was issued to BurstNet, the’s  hosting provider, to shut down the entire network of 73,000 blogs, most of which were engaged in no illegal activity, including harmless sites like Science Experiments for Kids and political sites like Tea and Politics.
Read the whole story here:

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Kiss Your Butt (And Freedoms) Goodbye

Below is a link to the absolutely scariest documentary I have ever experienced. Its long (show off your attention span skills here), at 151 minutes, but it covers many subjects that will all heavily impinge on our life in mostly negative ways if we allow them to happen. I personally fear that its past the point where we can do anything about them…the government has too many guns with men trained to use them on their own people, and the constitutional constraints that could have stopped what they plan have been wiped away by the last three presidents and their Presidential Decrees.

Some of the material may seem old because they have been gone over before, but they will be recycled by their proponents.

Trust neither Democrats or Republicans or Tea-Baggers…they are essentially all on the same side; though most don’t realize it.
America: Freedom to Fascism – Director’s Authorized Version
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The Border Patrol Will Beat You Up

A look at how Americans are treated at inland border patrol checks.

It seems it doesn’t matter if a Liberal or conservative administration is in power…if you refuse UN-constitutional searches at inland Border Patrol checkpoints they will beat you to within an inch of your life. These federal agents are out of control, your life is in real danger if you resist them in the tiniest way. This country is not free anymore, and the police forces are out to beat us into submission.

Of course we all know the outcome of the trial this minister will have to undergo. He will have a dozen “witnesses” from the border patrol who will say he resisted legal requests from the agents and he “resisted” arrest. The surveillance tapes will be mysteriously “lost” or the cameras will have “malfunctioned.” and he will face imprisonment or more probably he will be offered some kind of “deal” that will save face for the agency

All of this is in the finest Conspiracy Theory tradition, the police agencies conspire to hurt people who legally resist them and then they conspire to lie about what happened when they go too far in retaliation.

We citizens need to realize that ALL civil police and federal enforcement agencies in America WILL now use life-threatening force against anyone who back talks them…they are no longer working for the citizens.  We no longer have 4th. amendment rights in America, and federal agents seem to no longer need probable cause…


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The Neverending War

Quote of the Day:

“In so far as the structural clue to the power elite today lies in the enlarged and military state, that clue becomes evident in the military ascendancy. The warlords have gained decisive Political relevance, and the military structure of America is now in considerable part a political structure. The seemingly permanent military threat places a premium on the military and upon their control of men, materiel, money, and power; virtually all political and economic actions are now judged in terms of military definitions of reality: the higher warlords have ascended to a firm position within the power elite of the fifth epoch.”  The Power Elite C. Wright Mills, 1956

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