God, Homosexuality…and Nazi’s?

This week, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) released a landmark report on anti-gay defamation. The SPLC certified several new hate groups, including well-known organizations, such as The Family Research Council (FRC) and The American Family Association (AFA).  Here: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/wayne-besen/hate-groups-waiting-in-th_b_787642.html

Now this article on the November 30th Huffington Post, by author Wayne Besen, reports that last February the Family Research Council’s spokesman Peter Sprigg appearing on MSNBC’s, Hardball with Chris Matthews, and said that we should outlaw gay behavior.

He also reports that Brian Fischer, a spokesman for the American Family Association, said on their blog that, “homosexuality gave us Adolph Hitler, and homosexuals in the military gave us the Brown Shirts, the Nazi war machine and 6 million dead Jews.”

Now I thought that over the last 20 or 25 years we as a country, and a people, had grown up and passed the point where we were killing or throwing in jail those people who happened to be born or raised in such a manner that they were attracted to people of their own sex.  All the behavioral science seems to point to homosexual behavior as being a trait that people cannot control…in other words its ingrained in their psyche and there is really not much they can do about it.

When you realize that about 5 to 10 percent of the world’s population is homosexual you can see how many humans some of the religious groups are talking about putting to death or in prison…and that’s just unacceptable.  The fundagelicals in America keep denying the obvious truth (of this, and many, many other things) and keep insisting that homosexuality is a conscious choice…that heterosexual people just wake up one day and they are suddenly gay. Once again they are showing how retarded they and their religion is.

Do we really want to live in a world that is controlled by religious revelation?  Much of mankind actually went through this in the European Dark and Middle Ages and the results were not pretty.  Religion has shown over and over again that it is antithetical to intellectual freedom and a life affirming view of humanity if it is in control.  Although today’s Western Christianity is fairly tame and socially useful in our world, it is because secular forces and secular government keep it in its place.  It is not allowed to fully practice what it teaches…although many of today’s politicians are trying to get around this.

All of the religious folk who rail against homosexuality use the verses in Leviticus to show that “God” is dead set against the practice.  What they forget to include is that Leviticus and other parts of the Bible also says that mankind must not shave their beard, mix crops in a field, mix two fabrics together, eat shellfish, curse your mother or father, commit adultery, curse God (blaspheme), work on the Sabbath, they may buy, keep, and pass slaves on to your offspring, and many other things that called for the trespassers death, or at the very least cutting you off from your clan.

Most Christians now realize that these “Laws” from Leviticus are pretty silly and no longer consider most of them to be binding…even though Jesus said that he did not come to change the old “Laws,” but they hang on tenaciously to Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13  They basically want the homosexuals gone…dead as it were.

The quote from Brian Fischer of the American Family Association is just mind-bending.  I don’t even know what the man is talking about. Have you ever heard of anybody tying homosexuality or homosexuals in the military to being a cause of Hitler’s starting the second world war, killing 6 million Jews and being ultimately responsible for over 50 million deaths? This is brainless and evil thinking, and makes no real-world sense at all.

Evangelical fundamentalist (fundagelical) religion seems to be eating the brains of their poor followers…they can’t understand that the world, humanity, and science is leaving them behind…I don’t hold out much hope for them.
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