Chaos And The Rapture May 21st.

Well, its around 8:00 pm Friday night and I’m ensconced in my air-tight, water-tight bunker, checking on my survival supples and firearms, with the radios tuned to the emergency channels. I’m fully prepared for the coming rapture tomorrow May, 21st., 2011 I suspect that the visions of a few million people floating up to heaven will totally freak out most people who witness it from the ground (knowing that they aren’t going to heaven) and they will go berserk and chaos will prevail…thus beginning the end of civilization as we know it.

🙂 Just kidding; I’m actually relaxing with a tall cold one in my favorite chair and contemplating tomorrow and all the cacophonous and raucous laughter that I will direct at the people who believe this kind of Sh*t. With all that has been disproven about religion there are still idiots that think there is a God looking down on us with disapproval, and chomping at the bit to start the killing. Is it just Christians, or are other religious sects aching for the end of life on earth…I sure hope not

You know, if you are an atheist you don’t have to bother with this kind of crap. 🙂

He says…”Starting in the Pacific Rim at around the 6 p.m. local time hour, in each time zone, there will be a great earthquake, such as has never been in the history of the Earth,” Party starts at 7:00 pm

UPDATE: It’s past 6pm Saturday in some parts of the world now and there have been NO reports of gigantic earthquakes anywhere on earth
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It Will Be The Death Of Us All

“…yes, yes, they gibber and jabber, all of them, the three religions, yes, God awards land, it’s just you’ve got the wrong title. This is what I mean when I say religion is a real danger to the survival of civilisation, and it makes this banal regional and national dispute … a nothingness, if it makes that, not just lethally insoluble, but is drawing in other contending parties, who really wish, openly wish, for an apocalyptic conclusion to it, as also bodied forth in the same scriptural texts, in other words that it will be the death of us all, the death of humanity, the end of the world, end of the whole suffering veil of tears, which is the … not something that happens because people misinterpret the texts, it is because they believe in them, that’s the problem, thank you.”  Christopher Hitchens  11-2010

The religion hypothesis has had 2,000 years to prove itself and has been tested over and over again and it has ALWAYS failed to prove itself. Naturalism / evolution has tremendous proofs behind it and achieves more and more every year...Every year more young people give up on religion.

Look to the past 2,000 year history of this world.  Every time humanity has come to a better understanding about how our  world works, that understanding has proven to be natural cause and effect.  ALL of the things talked about in the Bible as works of God have been proven to be natural…other then in some peoples minds God has no effect on the natural world…prayers are known to be useless.

“The world behaves exactly as you would expect it would, if there were no Supreme Being, no Supreme Consciousness, and no supernatural.”  Julia Sweeney, Letting go of God
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