Adam and Eve and the Beginning

“If the Bible is true, certainly Adam was the first man; consequently, we know, if the sacred volume be true, just how long man has lived and labored and suffered on this earth.

The church cannot and dare not give up the account of the creation of Adam from the dust of the earth, and of Eve from the rib of the man. The church cannot give up the story of the Garden of Eden — the serpent — the fall and the expulsion; these must be defended because they are vital.

Without these absurdities, the system known as Christianity cannot exist. Without the fall, the atonement is a non sequitur. Facts bearing upon these questions were discovered and discussed by the greatest and most thoughtful of men. Lamarek, Humboldt, Haeckel, and above all, Darwin, not only asserted, but demonstrated, that man is not a special creation.

If anything can be established by observation, by reason, then the fact has been established that man is related to all life below him — that he has been slowly produced through countless years — that the story of Eden is a childish myth — that the fall of man is an infinite absurdity.”
The Divided Household of Faith, Robert G. Ingersoll, 1888

Now we know that Adam of the Bible was NOT the first man, or Eve of the Bible was NOT the first woman. We humans know this as well as we know that night follows day. The fact that humans have inhabited this earth for hundreds of thousands of years is established and undeniable by those people who live in the real world.

We know that Proto-humans, or Neanderthals, were walking the earth-long-before we Homo sapiens did. This fact alone disproves Biblical beginnings of man.

We know that the Chinese were predicting eclipses before Moses supposedly wrote Genesis and described creation wrong.

We know that Noah’s flood never happened. NO evidence at all for this story. This fact alone disproves Biblical beginnings.

We know for a fact, that all people living on earth today are NOT descended from the supposed eight survivors of Noah’s flood about 4300 years ago. DNA science has disproved this religious notion.

We know that the ‘Tower of Babel’, as described in the Bible, never happened. Languages were all over the world at the time of the OT Bible story, any many, many years before that.

We know that the Bible and Scripture have been manipulated throughout its history.

We know that prayer is never answered. It’s all statistical anomaly.

We know there are no hard proofs for the existence of any ‘God’ or ‘gods’…none.

There are no hard proofs for Jesus…as described in the Bible.

Religious organizations try their damnest to disprove these facts, but all their arguments inevitably fall back on the rejection of real evidence, and the use of magic.

Despite the total failure of the Hebrew religion to explain our natural world, which it should be able to do if it were the ‘Word of God’, millions of people leave their brains at the door and believe superstitious nonsense and somehow justify it to themselves.

Think of the whole sweep of the history of our earth and ALL of its people. Think of the millions and millions of people that were living everywhere on earth when the Old Testament history was supposedly written. That a real God would pick these non-descript desert dwellers, and embroil Himself in their day-to-day matters and tell them who to kill and steal land from…is ridiculous.

And that anyone would believe these Hebrews wrote down the word-for-word ranting of a God out to kill off Hebrew opponents, and make a religion out of it…is insane.

God is made in the image of man, not vice-versa.

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