Yet Another Muslim Bombing

It seems that Sweden is very quickly being taken over by Muslims, and the rest of the western world should be taking notes and preparing themselves, as we are in a 400 year old war with Islam and most people don’t even know it.

Excerpt from a story by Fjordman in Europe News
“On the 11th of December 2010, the first-ever suicide bombing in Scandinavia occurred when Taimour Abdulwahab, an Iraqi-born Muslim and Swedish citizen with a wife and children in Luton, Britain, was carrying explosives and mistakenly set off an explosion near a busy Christmas shopping street in Stockholm just before he could murder dozens of people.”

Here was a man who had a good life, a good family and one would think every reason in the world to be satisfied and live in peace.  But, his mind was contaminated with a terrible religious virus called “Islam”.  This virus causes its victims to do crazy things like takeover airplanes and fly them into occupied buildings, strap bombs to their bodies and kill innocent men, women, and children, kill (or try to) cartoonists for drawing a likeness of Muhammad, kill their women who talk to a single Christian, or in some way besmirch the family “honor”.

“Prohibiting all forms of criticism or mockery of Islam and its Prophet is an essential part of Sharia, Islamic religious law. According to Islamic historical sources, individuals such as the poetess Asma bint Marwan were killed by the followers of Muhammad for having done nothing other than mocking Islam. This then became a part of the Sunna, the personal example of Muhammad and his companions, which is the most authoritative source of Islamic law next to the Koran itself. It was for the same reason that Theo van Gogh was murdered in Amsterdam in 2004. Yes, mainstream, traditional Islam today stipulates that those who mock Islam deserve to be murdered. No other major religion on this planet dictates anything similar.” My emphasis. This alone is legal reason to outlaw Islam.

“If a single non-Muslim says anything critical about Islam, his entire community can in principle be punished for this. Basically, this means that if one cartoonist in Germany, the USA or Denmark makes a cartoon mocking Muhammad, this could potentially trigger Jihadist terrorist attacks against his entire country for “waging a war against Islam,” because his “tribe” is held collectively responsible for his actions. This was exactly the Islamic logic behind Taimour Abdulwahab’s terror attack in Stockholm. There is no such thing as an individual in this culture; the tribe is everything. Muslims, being good hypocrites, are always the first following an Islamic terrorist attack to state that all Muslims should not be punished for the actions of a few, yet this is precisely what their own laws prescribe for non-Muslims.” My emphasis. This shows how treacherous the Islamic religion is…they cannot to be trusted under any circumstance.

This just in (late 12-31-10)…Muslims set off bomb outside a church in Egypt, killing at least 11 Christians of the Copt sect. Watch for details on your local news on New Year’s Day…so sad.

“Totalitarianism (or totalitarian rule) is a political system where the state, usually under the control of a single political person, faction, or class, recognizes no limits to its authority and strives to regulate every aspect of public and private life wherever feasible.

Don’t be fooled by your local Muslims talk of Islam being a religion of peace…it is not…it wants to rule our world and it is working tirelessly to that end.
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Evolution Is Not Real

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Luner Eclipse Tuesday Morning

First day of winter and we have a astronomical event to look for.  Hoping for a clear night sky in my neighborhood.

From The Christian Science Monitor
“The lunar eclipse early Tuesday morning will be the first total lunar eclipse to occur on the Winter solstice since 1638. The Winter solstice is the shortest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere.”  Full Story »

Jesus returns May 21st. 2011

Get your life in order folks…Jesus is on his way back.

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Air Force Censors New York Times

Air Force users who try to view the websites of the New York Times, Britain’s Guardian, Spain’s El Pais, France’s Le Monde, or German magazine Der Spiegel instead get a page that says, “ACCESS DENIED. Internet Usage is Logged & Monitored,” according to a screen shot reviewed by The Wall Street Journal. The notice warns that anyone who accesses unauthorized sites from military computers could be punished.  Wall Street Journal

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WikiLeaks Rules

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Germany’s Catholic Church Systematically Covered Up Cases of Sexual Abuse…Again

How long, I wonder, is this going to last?  Over time, more and more evidence shows up that the Catholic Church is evil incarnate and yet it still it stands and tries to throw the wool over your eyes and pretend it has the infallible word of God on its side. They say they are the only true religion of Christ, the only way to Heaven…I don’t think I would want to go to their Heaven, and I don’t believe they have the ear of God or Christ or anybody.

12-03-2010 “Germany’s Catholic Church systematically covered up cases of sexual abuse within its own ranks for several decades, according to an expert study commissioned by the Archdiocese of Munich and Freising.

The lawyer heading up the investigation, Marion Westpfahl, said at a press conference on Friday that the available records pointed to huge gaps in the documentation between 1945 and 2009. She added this hinted strongly at a “systematic system of cover-up,” in which few abuse cases were criminally prosecuted.

“Only 26 priests were convicted for sexual offences,” Westpfahl explained to reporters, saying she found 365 files containing evidence that “acts of abuse had taken place in an almost commonplace manner.”

“We have to assume that there is a large unknown number [of abuse cases],” she said. “We are dealing with the extensive destruction of files.”

The incriminating evidence Westpfahl found among 13,200 available files implicated 159 priests, 15 deacons, 96 religion teachers and six pastoral employees, with rural areas particularly affected.

The victims’ suffering often remained a mystery, she said, as the reports usually discussed abuse in coy euphemisms.”   My emphasis

Systematically covered up cases of sexual abuse it says, just one a few hundred more notches on the body of evidence that the Catholic Church is a criminal enterprise…and has been one for a very very long time.  How long are parishioners of this evil organization going to believe in it and accept that the Church has any kind of moral authority over them?
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Now Teaching Muslim Evil in Schools

I’ve said it before…there’s hardly a day goes by when I don’t find further proof that the Muslim  religion is purely evil and out to take away all the advances that the modern civilized world has achieved. They don’t care about human rights or woman’s rights, they are out to kill the homosexuals, the blasphemer, the heretic…anyone who says bad things about their religion is dead meat. If you are Jewish they want to kill you, if you are Christian they will try to convert you, if that fails they want to kill you.

Now BBC news comes up with the story of Muslim schools in England that are teaching Muslim children the evil crap that their parents espouse.

The full BBC story here:

An excerpt below:
“One of the text books asks children to list the “reprehensible” qualities of Jewish people. A text for younger children asks what happens to someone who dies who is not a believer in Islam – the answer given in the text book is “hellfire”.

Another text describes the punishment for gay sex as death and states a difference of opinion about whether it should be carried out by stoning, burning with fire or throwing the person over a cliff.

In a book for 14-year-olds, Sharia law and its punishment for theft are explained, including detailed diagrams about how hands and feet of thieves are amputated.”

Yeah sure, Islam is a religion of Peace and Love…not
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It Will Be The Death Of Us All

“…yes, yes, they gibber and jabber, all of them, the three religions, yes, God awards land, it’s just you’ve got the wrong title. This is what I mean when I say religion is a real danger to the survival of civilisation, and it makes this banal regional and national dispute … a nothingness, if it makes that, not just lethally insoluble, but is drawing in other contending parties, who really wish, openly wish, for an apocalyptic conclusion to it, as also bodied forth in the same scriptural texts, in other words that it will be the death of us all, the death of humanity, the end of the world, end of the whole suffering veil of tears, which is the … not something that happens because people misinterpret the texts, it is because they believe in them, that’s the problem, thank you.”  Christopher Hitchens  11-2010

The religion hypothesis has had 2,000 years to prove itself and has been tested over and over again and it has ALWAYS failed to prove itself. Naturalism / evolution has tremendous proofs behind it and achieves more and more every year...Every year more young people give up on religion.

Look to the past 2,000 year history of this world.  Every time humanity has come to a better understanding about how our  world works, that understanding has proven to be natural cause and effect.  ALL of the things talked about in the Bible as works of God have been proven to be natural…other then in some peoples minds God has no effect on the natural world…prayers are known to be useless.

“The world behaves exactly as you would expect it would, if there were no Supreme Being, no Supreme Consciousness, and no supernatural.”  Julia Sweeney, Letting go of God
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God, Homosexuality…and Nazi’s?

This week, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) released a landmark report on anti-gay defamation. The SPLC certified several new hate groups, including well-known organizations, such as The Family Research Council (FRC) and The American Family Association (AFA).  Here:

Now this article on the November 30th Huffington Post, by author Wayne Besen, reports that last February the Family Research Council’s spokesman Peter Sprigg appearing on MSNBC’s, Hardball with Chris Matthews, and said that we should outlaw gay behavior.

He also reports that Brian Fischer, a spokesman for the American Family Association, said on their blog that, “homosexuality gave us Adolph Hitler, and homosexuals in the military gave us the Brown Shirts, the Nazi war machine and 6 million dead Jews.”

Now I thought that over the last 20 or 25 years we as a country, and a people, had grown up and passed the point where we were killing or throwing in jail those people who happened to be born or raised in such a manner that they were attracted to people of their own sex.  All the behavioral science seems to point to homosexual behavior as being a trait that people cannot control…in other words its ingrained in their psyche and there is really not much they can do about it.

When you realize that about 5 to 10 percent of the world’s population is homosexual you can see how many humans some of the religious groups are talking about putting to death or in prison…and that’s just unacceptable.  The fundagelicals in America keep denying the obvious truth (of this, and many, many other things) and keep insisting that homosexuality is a conscious choice…that heterosexual people just wake up one day and they are suddenly gay. Once again they are showing how retarded they and their religion is.

Do we really want to live in a world that is controlled by religious revelation?  Much of mankind actually went through this in the European Dark and Middle Ages and the results were not pretty.  Religion has shown over and over again that it is antithetical to intellectual freedom and a life affirming view of humanity if it is in control.  Although today’s Western Christianity is fairly tame and socially useful in our world, it is because secular forces and secular government keep it in its place.  It is not allowed to fully practice what it teaches…although many of today’s politicians are trying to get around this.

All of the religious folk who rail against homosexuality use the verses in Leviticus to show that “God” is dead set against the practice.  What they forget to include is that Leviticus and other parts of the Bible also says that mankind must not shave their beard, mix crops in a field, mix two fabrics together, eat shellfish, curse your mother or father, commit adultery, curse God (blaspheme), work on the Sabbath, they may buy, keep, and pass slaves on to your offspring, and many other things that called for the trespassers death, or at the very least cutting you off from your clan.

Most Christians now realize that these “Laws” from Leviticus are pretty silly and no longer consider most of them to be binding…even though Jesus said that he did not come to change the old “Laws,” but they hang on tenaciously to Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13  They basically want the homosexuals gone…dead as it were.

The quote from Brian Fischer of the American Family Association is just mind-bending.  I don’t even know what the man is talking about. Have you ever heard of anybody tying homosexuality or homosexuals in the military to being a cause of Hitler’s starting the second world war, killing 6 million Jews and being ultimately responsible for over 50 million deaths? This is brainless and evil thinking, and makes no real-world sense at all.

Evangelical fundamentalist (fundagelical) religion seems to be eating the brains of their poor followers…they can’t understand that the world, humanity, and science is leaving them behind…I don’t hold out much hope for them.
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